مدیر سایت 467

Nickel plating Handbook

Nickel plating Handbook

Nickel Institute (NI) is the global association of the world's primary nickel producers who together account for approximately 85% of worldwide annual nickel production outside China. Our mission is to promote and support the use of nickel in appropriate applications. NI grows and supports markets for new and existing nickel applications including stainless steel; and promotes science, risk management and socio-economic benefit as the basis for public policy and regulation. Through our science division NiPERA (www.nipera.org), we also undertake leading edge scientific research relevant to human health and the environment. NI is the centre of excellence for information on nickel and nickelcontaining products and has offices in Asia, Europe and North America.
Terms used in this publication relate to industry practice and are commonly understood by plating professionals.  The term decorative plating is used to describe practices, processes and outcomes for a broad range of applications, but the term decorative often masks the critical nature of the outcome required. Decorative plating processes often impart the technical and functional success of the products they are used on.  Corrosion resistance, brightness and levelling, mechanical and physical properties are characteristics of these processes and cannot be discounted as cosmetic.

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